CD Synchronize - Free is a very important word when it comes to online programs like CD Synchronize. If you're tired of inserting hundreds of CDs or DVDs each time you want to access a certain file, or if you aren't satisfied with the performance and speed of Windows file retrieval, CDSync Portable is definitely for you.
Downloading this software will enable you to synchronize your PC with the server you have chosen. The server is then responsible for creating a CD backup, which will be sent directly to you once the synchronization process is complete. You don't have to worry about creating a backup since all of the data will be backed up. After the backup is complete, the program will prompt you to make sure the CD backup is correct and you have chosen the correct server. The process should be fairly simple and you shouldn't encounter any issues. It's a very simple process that will only take a few minutes.
Once the synchronization is complete, the program will then prompt you to either start the program and sync your computer or start the software without the need to sync it. CDSync Portable does not come with a software CD, so you'll need to download one if you don't already have one. Downloading the appropriate software is also completely free. Once you have it downloaded, the CD should automatically mount on your desktop once you've started the program. You can then use the program to browse your entire hard drive and look for the files you want to download. After all of the files are located and copied into the appropriate folders, you'll be prompted to upload them to your server using the Internet.